Orgies in the film “Eyes Wide Shut” by Stanley Kubrick:
Eyes Wide Shut (1999), directed by Stanley Kubrick, received enormous attention for its boldness and complex storyline. One of the most talked about moments was the orgy scene, which became a key element of the film. In this article, we will examine the meaning and impact of this scene on audiences, as well as discuss the context of the film’s making and the controversy it generated.
Context of the film’s creation
For a long time, Kubrick wanted to film a work that touched on the theme of sexuality and hidden desires. He was inspired by a short story by Arthur Schnitzler. Filming took two years, an unusually long time for Kubrick, who was known for his meticulous attention to detail and actors. Critics sometimes condemned him for his explicit scenes, which created additional tension around the project.
Brief retelling of the plot
Based on Schnitzler’s novella, the film follows Dr. Bill Harford and his wife Alice, whose relationship blossoms after attending a social event that prompts them to reflect on their lives and marriage. During one of the conversations, Alice admits to Bill that she once had a fantasy about cheating on him with a stranger. This confession shocks Bill and makes him feel jealous and insecure.
While searching for an answer to his worries and doubts, Bill accidentally learns about a mysterious event organized by an elite secret society. He decides to visit her to immerse himself in a world of forbidden pleasures and try to understand his reaction to Alice’s revelation.
A mysterious party is taking place in a country mansion, where rituals of an intimate nature are demonstrated. The orgy depicted in the film evokes mixed reactions: some consider it too explicit, while others see it as having high artistic value. This scene emphasizes the themes of control, sexuality and the superiority of the elite, who seek only pleasure and enjoyment.
Entering inside, he finds himself in a large hall where a strange ritual is being performed. In the center of the hall there is a circle filled with people in hoods and masks. In the center of this circle is the chief priest, also wearing a mask, who performs the ritual using a staff.
The priest pronounces mysterious phrases in Latin and touches the shoulder of each woman standing in the circle with his staff. These women, dressed only in capes, begin to undress, remaining masked. The priest points to one of the women, and she and him go outside the circle. The women then begin to choose partners from the men present.
After the ceremony, the guests disperse around the mansion. Bill walks through the rooms and observes orgy scenes where participants have sex in various combinations. The atmosphere is saturated with mystery.
One of the girls notices Bill and warns him that he is in danger and should leave. Bill doesn’t understand what’s happening and continues to watch. He is eventually spotted by security and brought back to the main hall.
The priest demands that Bill take off his mask and give his name, indicating that he is not a member of this society. Bill refuses, but under pressure takes off his mask. At this moment, the woman who previously warned him comes forward and offers herself as a sacrifice in his place to save him.
The priest orders Bill to leave the mansion immediately and warns him not to tell anyone what he saw. Bill returns home in a state of shock and confusion.
Events in the country house become a turning point in Bill’s life. He realizes his vulnerability and begins to rethink his life and relationship with his wife.
The final conversation between the main character and Victor Ziegler makes you think about many important questions. Victor claims that the death of one person is not uncommon and does not stop life. He also clarifies that the orgy and other mysterious events that Bill witnessed were staged, made for the entertainment and gratification of the elite. Victor tries to convince Bill that everything he saw was part of a show designed to manipulate and intimidate.
- Victor Ziegler: Bill, I don’t think you realize how much trouble you got yourself into last night just by going there. Who do you think these people were? These were not just ordinary people. If I told you their names… no, I’m not going to tell you their names… but if I did, I don’t think you’d sleep as well at night.
Bill: The woman lying dead in the morgue was the woman from the party.
Well, Victor, perhaps I’m missing something here. You call it a fake, a charade… Could you please tell me what kind of fucking charade ends with someone ending up dead!?
Ziegler: Okay, Bill, let’s stop talking nonsense, okay? You haven’t been yourself for the last twenty-four hours. Do you want to know what this charade is? I’ll tell you exactly which one it is. That whole “take me” victim you were jerking off to had nothing to do with her actual death. After you left, nothing happened that hadn’t happened to her before. She had her brains blown out. Dot.
- Victor Ziegler: Listen, Bill. Nobody killed anyone. Someone died. This happens all the time. Life goes on. This always happens until it stops. But you know that, don’t you?
This conversation raises complex ethical questions about morality and transparency, and shows how elites can use influence for their own purposes.
Conspiracy theories surrounding the film
Stanley Kubrick’s death shortly after filming wrapped in 1999 has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories. One of them suggests that the director had information that may have been unacceptable to influential circles, which caused his sudden death.
After Kubrick’s death, the studio released Eyes Wide Shut with edits. Some believe his death appears suspicious and wonder if he was killed under mysterious circumstances. The mystery centers on 24-45 minutes of the film that the studio wanted Kubrick to cut.
Various theories suggest that the deleted scenes may have depicted an actual satanic ritual, including elements such as cannibalism, human sacrifice and sexual acts with children. Despite speculation, no one saw a second of those supposed 24 minutes. Kubrick’s daughter, Vivian Kubrick, confirms that her father was under enormous pressure from the elite not to make his films. She said: “There was a lot of pressure on him not to make the films that he made… I feel like my father was very… He was persecuted by those factions on this planet that are trying to manipulate humanity.”
David Icke (English professional conspiracy theorist) added: “It’s interesting because Stanley Kubrick was trying to tell us something in Eyes Wide Shut.” He died shortly after delivering the film to Warner Brothers. When studio executives watched the original film, they insisted that 25 minutes be cut.
When the studio asked to cut 25 minutes, he refused, and died a few days later. These 25 minutes, which were never seen, were removed from the film. When you watch the movie and see how far it goes, the question arises: what was in those 25 minutes that they didn’t show?
Investigators announced that scattered pills of a powerful sleeping pill were found near Kubrick’s body. The original version said that the film genius died from an overdose of sleeping pills, since working on the film “Eyes Wide Shut” was extremely stressful for him. But after the autopsy it turned out that there was no overdose in Kubrick’s corpse. Additional examinations were announced, and after two weeks it was officially announced that Kubrick had died of an unexpected heart attack.
The famous writer Julian Barnes, who was friends with Kubrick in the last years of his life, made such revelations in March 2000 in the Sun newspaper. Barnes said then that Kubrick was skillfully removed by adherents of Satanic cults, since Kubrick wanted to show in the last film not only the omnipotence of shadow structures, but also to hint at specific personalities of Satanists in the American elite, including among Hollywood bigwigs. According to Barnes, Kubrick was an Orthodox Jew and a categorical opponent of Satanism in any of its manifestations. A friend of Kubrick called the director’s murder ritual, since his death occurred 666 days before January 1, 2001 – the actual beginning of the third millennium, which neopagans consider the Age of Aquarius, which replaced the Age of Pisces, that is, the Christian era.
Fantasy or reality?
Stanley Kubrick drew on years of research into secret societies to create the orgy scene in Eyes Wide Shut. According to first assistant director Brian Cook, this research included information about 19th-century secret society rituals and the Black Mass.
The Black Mass is a ritual that rejects Christian practices and is often associated with Satanism and the occult. In the 19th century, such practices were often used by secret societies as a way of challenging the social and religious norms of the time.
“Affair La Voisin”
The Affair of La Voisin, which took place in France at the court of Louis XIV in 1679–1682, is known as the Affair of Poisons. The investigation into this scandal revealed the participation of many members of the elite in black masses, sacrifices and sex orgies. The main figure in this scandal was Catherine Monvoisin, known as La Voisin, who, along with her accomplices, organized these rituals. After her arrest, investigators are said to have discovered the bodies of 2,500 babies buried in her yard, believed to have been sacrificed. La Voisin’s accomplices paid prostitutes for their babies to be used in rituals.
These black masses included infant sacrifices and sexual orgies, which were seen as ways of gaining favor from the devil and achieving the personal goals of the participants. Witnesses claimed that high-ranking members of the French court took part in them, including Madame de Montespan, the mistress of King Louis XIV, who, they said, used these rituals to maintain royal favor.
The black masses and occult rituals in question were carried out in secret and in closed spaces such as mansions, castles or other isolated places. This allowed high society participants to participate without fear for their reputation and status. The rituals were attended by members of the upper echelons of society, including aristocrats, members of the royal court and other dignitaries. This emphasizes that black masses were not simply immoral acts of the lower classes, but rather acts associated with the elite.
Pedophile Satanist Rings: The Detru Case
The scandal began with the arrest in Belgium of Marc Dutroux in 1996 for the kidnapping and murder of eight-year-old girls. Dutroux imprisoned the girls in his basement, where he sexually abused them and filmed pornographic videos. He often killed them after they had served their service. Two girls, An Marchal (17 years old) and Efje Lambrex (19 years old), were drugged and buried alive in Dutroux’s garden.
The case was explosive because Dutroux was a small cog in a sex slave network that included powerful people. His kidnapping accomplice, Michel Lelivre, testified: “Marc always told me that he kidnapped girls for people who gave him orders.” He killed An and Ifje because the people who placed the order “were not interested in them.”
The orders came from a man named Michel Nihoul. A career criminal involved in financial fraud and drug trafficking, Nihoul had connections in the highest echelons of the Belgian establishment.
Survivors of the violence were encouraged by Nihoul’s arrest and came forward to testify. Most of the witnesses were identified by the police as an “X” followed by a number, and so their statements became known as the “X File”.
X1, X2, X4 and others called Maurice Lippens and his brother Leopold, the long-time mayor of Knokke, evil child rapists and members of a snuff network. It’s interesting that Wikipedia omits this fact.
X1 and X2 mentioned Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, a Belgian aristocrat active in fascist organizations, as one of the most sadistic rapists on the network.
One of his sisters married Count Hervé d’Ourcel, whom X1 accused of being involved in a ritual abuse network. His other sister is married to Bernard de Merode, an intelligence-connected family that X4 and Nathalie V. have accused of child abuse.
Even the Belgian royal family was involved in several cases. X3 (the only “X” witness to suffer abuse in the 50s and 60s) accused Prince Charles (1903-1983).
It is clear that child sexual abuse networks are part of the lifestyle of the Satanists who make up the Belgian ruling elite. This behavior is not unique to Belgium.
Children were sent to VIP parties in clubs and villas, where they were subjected to oral and penetrative sex, escalating into perversions of unimaginable horror. These include brutal anal rape of children as young as three years old, prolonged torture and sex with animals. Some of the descriptions are horrifyingly fantastic, such as X1’s testimony of her giving birth:
“When the contractions started, her [X1] grandmother called her. The Lippens brothers, Vanden Beunantz and Assistant Police Commissioner Knokke arrived. After this, de Bonvoisin and Vander Elst arrived… Vander Elst puts a knife to her throat and Bonvoisin rapes her… She has to masturbate while Vander Elst takes some photos. Lippens rapes her with a razor blade. When the girl came out, de Bonvoisin hit her in the face several times. Immediately after X1 gave birth, she was raped. Her daughter disappeared after six weeks.”
Research and historical documents show that occult rituals, including sexual orgies and sacrifices, did occur throughout history. These practices were associated with the upper classes and elite, emphasizing their secret nature and often protection from public persecution.
In Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick skillfully conveyed the image of black masses and occult rituals that had a real historical basis. The film attracted significant controversy and criticism due to its provocative subject matter and explicit scenes that shocked audiences.
Kubrick made a work of fiction based on real events, and by analyzing his work, we can document this in our article. His film raises difficult questions about human nature, power and moral boundaries. Orgy scenes, their symbolism and context continue to generate controversy and attract the attention of viewers and researchers. This film stimulates discussion of mysticism and the occult in culture and history, remaining one of the leading examples of exploration of the dark and mysterious aspects of human psychology and social norms. Kubrick did not invent these events, but only embodied them in artistic form, and our article, like his film, is a documentary reflection of reality.