Orgies in the 1979 film Caligula
Caligula is a 1979 erotic historical drama that chronicles the rise and fall of Roman Emperor Gaius Caesar (Caligula). Starring Malcolm McDowell, Peter O’Toole, John Gielgud, Helen Mirren and other famous actors. The film was produced by Bob Guccione, founder of the magazine Penthouse, who wanted to combine high-quality film storytelling with explicit sex scenes.
The film was written by Gore Vidal and originally directed by Tinto Brass. However, due to constant conflicts, both abandoned the film. Guccione added scenes of hardcore pornography, which, along with the violence in the film, caused a storm of controversy and indignation after its release. As a result, the film was and remains banned in many countries.
Orgy Scenes: Visual and Emotional Value
Orgies figure prominently in the film Caligula and reflect the supposed debauched nature of the Roman court at the time. These scenes illustrate the moral decay and hedonism of the ruling elite, creating an atmosphere of permissiveness and decadence that is believed to reigned in Rome during the reign of Caligula.
One of the key aspects of the film is Caligula’s use of sexual power to control and manipulate those around him. Scenes of orgies, violence and humiliation demonstrate how sexuality is transformed into a tool of repression and intimidation. Caligula uses sex not only for his own pleasure, but also as a means of subjugating his subjects and enemies. Caligula, possessing absolute power, ceases to distinguish the boundaries between personal and state life. Sexual power becomes part of his political strategy, where personal passions and perversions directly influence government decisions and people’s destinies.
The orgy scenes serve to further develop Caligula’s character. They show his decline from a young, ambitious ruler to a mad tyrant, consumed by his own desires and perversions. His participation and organization of such events highlight his descent into moral and mental madness.
Through these scenes, the film makes a social commentary on the nature of power and corruption. Orgies symbolize the extreme abuse of power and are a critique of absolute power, which leads to moral degradation and decay.
The orgies in the film are performed with a great deal of frankness and naturalism, which was unusual for the cinema of that time. The inclusion of these scenes was intended to shock the viewer and push the boundaries of what was acceptable in mainstream cinema. Their graphic nature serves to enhance the emotional impact of the film and emphasizes its provocative nature.
Explicit scenes of orgies caused the film to cause a storm of controversy and criticism upon its release. Many countries have banned it, and others have heavily censored it. These scenes became a symbol of the unprecedented courage and recklessness of the filmmakers, who were not afraid to show such provocative and controversial moments on screen.
The film begins with a young Caligula, played by Malcolm McDowell. During his childhood and adolescence, his worldview and attitude toward power are shaped by his grandfather, Emperor Tiberius (Peter O’Toole). Tiberius was an old and depraved tyrant who ruled Rome from his isolated palace on the island of Capri. Caligula watches his grandfather rule through fear and violence, which has a profound effect on him.
Tiberius: Serve the state, Caligula, although the people in it are evil beasts.
Caligula: But they love you, Lord.
Tiberius: Oh no… they are AFRAID of me… and that’s much better.
Tiberius: We are ruled by fate, Little Boot, not by any god.
Caligula: You are a god.
Tiberius: No, I am NOT Caligula! Even when I die.
Caligula: Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar, they are gods.
Tiberius: So says the senate, and so the people prefer to believe. Such myths are useless.
An indicative scene here is the dialogue between the distraught Tiberius and his closest adviser and friend Nerva:
- [seeing Nerva cutting his wrists]
- Tiberius: Cretins… why did you let him do this?
- [to two slaves looking on]
- Tiberius: Tie his wrists… TILE HIS WRISTS!
- [nerves]
- Tiberius: You shouldn’t leave, you shouldn’t leave me, you are my friend, my only friend.
- Nerve: I’ve lived too long, Tiberius, I hate my life.
- Tiberius: [to two slaves] Leave us! You both!
- NerVa: A person who chooses the hour of his death comes closest to cheating fate. And fate decreed that when you die, Macro will kill me.
- Tiberius: I will arrest him and order his execution!
- Nerve: You can’t, he controls you. In any case, even if Macro is dead,
- [looks at Caligula]
- Nerve: How could I continue to live with this… Reptile?
- Tiberius: [To Caligula] You will always respect my friend, won’t you, reptile?
- Nerve: Tiberius, you were once wise.
- Tiberius: Do not tease me! I am old.
- Nerve: I saw you turn into a monster! One by one, I saw you kill your entire family, your friends, the noblest people in Rome.
- Caligula: This is treason!
- Nerve: No, its true.
- Tiberius: I have always been surrounded by enemies. In my own family, in the Senate… You are cruel!
- Nerve: Honest old people can sometimes see the future. So, from the evils of the past and the future, I now choose to escape.
Ascension to power
After the brutal murder of Tiberius, Caligula becomes emperor. Initially, he promises to be a fair ruler, but quickly finds himself captive to his desires and passions. The main love of his life is his sister Drusilla (Teresa Ann Savoy), for whom he has incestuous feelings. The film shows their relationship in detail, demonstrating how it affects Caligula’s mental state. His passion for Drusilla and his painful attachment to her become one of the central motives of his life and reign.
Governing body
Having become emperor, Caligula begins his reign with brutal reforms and repressions. He eliminates all possible rivals, including members of his own family, in order to consolidate his power. His management methods are becoming increasingly autocratic and unpredictable. Caligula organizes luxurious feasts and orgies, spending huge sums of money on his entertainment. These scenes highlight his moral corruption and abuse of power. The film’s depiction of the splendor and opulence of the Roman court contrasts with the cruelty and dictatorship of Caligula.
Mental disorder
Every year Caligula loses more and more connection with reality. He proclaims himself a god and demands worship, his paranoia and cruelty increase. Caligula introduces strange laws and arranges public executions, demonstrating his ruthlessness. Gradually he turns into a dictator who is hated by everyone, including his inner circle. The film shows how absolute power and permissiveness lead him to madness.
[Caligula rapes Livia]
Caligula: Open your EYES, Livia! Lucky one… to lose her virginity to a direct descendant of the goddess… I, Caligula Caesar, command in the name of… Open your eyes, Proculus! Order in the name of the Senate – OPEN THEM! – Senate and people… Rome!
Death of Drusilla
The death of Drusilla becomes a real tragedy for Caligula. He declares mourning for her and begins to descend even deeper into madness. Scenes of his grief and despair are shown with particular cruelty and frankness, emphasizing his emotional instability. The loss of his only loved one only exacerbates his paranoia and cruelty, pushing him towards even more eccentric and cruel behavior.
“Senator’s wives for only five gold pieces”
The scene takes place in Caligula’s luxurious palace, where he gathers senators and their wives. The Emperor, wanting to humiliate and show his superiority, announces that he has arranged a kind of auction in which each of the senators present can purchase a night with any of the wives of his colleagues for only five gold coins. Caligula, being the central figure in this scene, behaves like a charismatic but cruel leader. His gestures and facial expression convey a mixture of amusement and contempt. He enjoys watching the reactions of his subjects, enjoying his power over them. This episode highlights his sadistic tendencies and complete lack of morality. The enators, finding themselves in a humiliating position, are forced to submit to the will of the emperor, realizing that any resistance could lead to even greater consequences. Their wives, in turn, express horror and humiliation, but, like their husbands, are forced to submit to avoid Caligula’s wrath.
This scene symbolizes Caligula’s absolute power and his ability to manipulate even the most powerful people in the empire. The use of sex as a tool of humiliation emphasizes that nothing is sacred or off-limits to the emperor. This episode also demonstrates how far a tyrannical leader can go in his quest for complete power and control over all aspects of his subjects’ lives.
Caligula:-Take a look! The most lustful women of the Roman Empire… …have come here today to fulfill their patriotic duty! For only 5 gold! Welcome aboard the imperial brothel!
Caligula: -You are given a choice from the best bodies of the empire! 5 gold for every 20 minutes! Most of the women present here are noble married ladies! Senators’ wives! Whores with an impeccable reputation!
Caligula: -Don’t waste time! The wives of our senators are not just beautiful! They are as insatiable as their husbands! 5 gold for any! Take revenge on those who oppressed you! Take their wives, insult them! Do whatever you want with them! They are yours! For only 5.5 gold!
The scene is a powerful example of the use of sexual power to humiliate and control. This episode not only illustrates the cruelty and immorality of Caligula, but also serves as a metaphor for the destructive power of absolute power, which corrupts and destroys everything around it.
A fall
Caligula’s reign continues in an atmosphere of fear and hatred until his entourage decides to get rid of him. At the end of the film, the conspirators kill Caligula and his wife Caesonia, and their little daughter. The murder scenes are shown in a dramatic and shocking manner, highlighting the chaos and destruction that Caligula leaves in his wake. His death leaves Rome in confusion and chaos.
Caligula may not have aspired to become emperor. Fate played its role by making this ordinary young man Caesar. His real desire was to love his sister Drusilla as a man loves a woman, and to enjoy every day of his life. However, his grandfather Tiberius, known for his cruelty and depravity even by the standards of Ancient Rome, greatly influenced Caligula, corrupting his soul and teaching him the dark side of power.As a result, it was his reign that marked the beginning of the decline of the great Roman Empire, mired in debauchery, lust and cruelty.
You can read more about Caligula as a historical figure in our article.