Author: Chulyukova Ekaterina
Reading Time: 6 minutes
How Relationships Change After Attending Sex Parties
More than 80% of men and women consider sex as one of the foundations of serious relationships and a happy marriage. In long-term relationships, it often turns into a routine or disappears altogether. To maintain a harmonious connection in a couple, psychologists advise some sexual experiments. The idea of going to a sex party with a partner to rekindle passion may seem crazy. However, there are always many couples at such events. Let’s see how this experience can affect relationships.
Chapter 1. Reasons for Decreased Sexual Interest
The longer partners are in a relationship or marriage, the less their sexual interest in each other. The human body is physiologically oriented towards novelty. Men produce more sperm for a new woman, and women with a new partner have a higher chance of conceiving. Household routine and lack of distance reduce libido. This can lead to resentments. Often, after intimacy, emotional closeness also disappears. Psychologists believe that sexual experiments help maintain a vibrant and regular intimate life.
Sex parties come in various forms. For example, at swinger parties, couples swap partners, while at kink parties, you can dance and watch erotic shows. You can have sex there, but it’s not mandatory. Additionally, there are opportunities to try different practices, learn new techniques, or simply observe and socialize with others. For some couples, this is enough.
Motivation to attend a party varies. For most couples, it’s the desire to add something new to their intimate life. Sometimes one partner already has experience attending such events. Some couples decide to attend a party after several years of preparation and discussions, while others agree quickly and easily. Although sex parties are a safe space for experiments, there is still a chance of encountering unpleasant consequences. The impact of this experience on the relationship or marriage can vary and depends on many factors.
Chapter 3. The Impact of Sex Parties on Relationships
Event organizers say that attending their event together will not fix problematic relationships. More often, the effect is the opposite and leads to new conflicts. If there is misunderstanding in the relationship, it should be addressed first.
It’s also important that the decision to attend the party is voluntary. If one partner goes against their will or only for the sake of the other, they are likely unable to relax or may be shocked and disappointed. This is more akin to violence against oneself or the partner. The impact on libido is likely to be negative.
Regular swinger party attendees say that relationships younger than 3-4 years rarely withstand partner swapping. Often, the suggestion to try such an experience hides the partner’s simple desire to sleep with a specific person. Or the less banal desire — to watch their partner with someone else.
Such and other fantasies can unexpectedly manifest after attending sex parties. Since one can explore their desires there, many discover new facets of their sexuality. Initially, this can be frightening. Unconventional fetishes are often considered something forbidden or shameful. Sexologists claim that true passion hides behind shame.
In the sex-positive community, it is customary to speak honestly about one’s desires and openly discuss concerns. If partners treat each other’s desires with respect and care, they can find compromises, gradually adjusting their sex life. Such communication improves mutual understanding and trust, helping to eliminate the fear of cheating or infidelity.
It’s better to discuss expectations and set boundaries before the party. Otherwise, jealousy, distrust, and a sense of betrayal may arise or intensify. At the event, it’s important to monitor each other’s emotions and share impressions afterward. If both partners enjoy the experience, it can strengthen the sense of closeness.
For some, this extreme experience may not be suitable, but you can only understand this by trying. Sometimes couples only need one date in such a place to loosen up, start sharing fantasies, and try something new at home. For others, parties become a hobby. Partners attend workshops, flirt with new people, or look for someone for a threesome. Some couples’ relationships take on a new form.
Chapter 4. Open Marriage and Polyamorous Relationships
Monogamous relationships involve two partners. Among regular participants in the sex-positive community, many couples abandon the traditional relationship format. This often happens after periodic visits to sex parties.
In modern society, the idea of finding one partner for life is actively promoted in the images and plots of literature and cinema. Jealousy is often considered a sign of love. But there are people who feel joy, excitement, or interest from their partner being happy with someone else. This feeling is called compersion. Although the term does not yet have a universally accepted definition, psychologists believe it is not limited to intimate relationships. Developing this feeling can strengthen any relationship, improve mutual understanding and support.
Sometimes, after the experience of attending sex parties together, people are surprised to find a high level of compersion in themselves or their partner. In such cases, the likelihood of opening up the relationship without negative consequences is higher.
In open relationships or open marriages, both partners can, by agreement, date and have sex with other people. Lovers do not become part of the union. Concealing intimate relations with someone else can also be considered infidelity. If honesty is maintained between partners, this relationship format combines safety with a sense of freedom.
The next stage in relationships can be polyamory. Polyamorous relationships are romantic and/or sexual unions where all participants are equal and involved. Research shows that among such partners there is more honesty, closeness, sexual satisfaction, and less jealousy compared to monogamous relationships. Polyamorists note that they have more love than is necessary for one partner. Their feelings can be enough for several lovers.
A strong non-monogamous union requires the couple to have well-developed critical thinking as well as a lot of strength and patience. Maintaining such relationships is often more challenging than exclusive ones. Often, during the adjustment process, partners realize they want different things and part ways.
After attending sex parties, relationships between partners can become more passionate, take on a new form, remain the same, or end. It is impossible to predict exactly how such an experience will affect relationships. The article describes the possible consequences and their causes. However, the most important factor remains the personal qualities and relationships of the people involved. Honest communication, mutual consent, respect for each partner’s boundaries, and openness to new experiences can make such parties a source of understanding and strengthening the bond. Insecurity, jealousy, and boundary violations can lead to deteriorating relationships. The main thing is that any experiments in sexual life are based on mutual respect and love.
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- PLOS ONE – “The Effect of Sexual Experience on Relationship Satisfaction” Ссылка: The Effect of Sexual Experience on Relationship Satisfaction
- PubMed – “Factors That Influence Relationship Dynamics”
- Wiley Online Library – “Psychological Perspectives on Open Relationships”
- Google Books – “Ethical Non-Monogamy: An Overview” Ссылка: Ethical Non-Monogamy: An Overview
- SAGE Journals – “The Impact of Consensual Non-Monogamy on Relationships” Ссылка: The Impact of Consensual Non-Monogamy on Relationships
- Psychology Today – “Is Monogamy Natural?” Ссылка: Is Monogamy Natural?
- Taylor & Francis Online – “Attitudes Towards Non-Monogamy” Ссылка: Attitudes Towards Non-Monogamy
- BBC Ideas – “Our Love is Unique – Living a Non-Monogamous Life”
- SAGE Journals – “The Role of Communication in Non-Monogamous Relationships” Ссылка: The Role of Communication in Non-Monogamous Relationships
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- ResearchGate – “Factors that Facilitate and Hinder the Experience of Compersion Among Individuals in Consensually Non-Monogamous Relationships”
- PsyPost – “Psychologists have created a new tool to measure the phenomenon called compersion” Ссылка: Psychologists have created a new tool to measure the phenomenon called compersion
- Multiamory Podcast – “Compersion Research with Marie Thouin” Ссылка: Compersion Research with Marie Thouin
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- Can sex parties refresh relationships in a couple or marriage? – Yes
- Do sex parties always positively influence relationships in a couple? – No
- Can attending a sex party improve problematic relationships? – No
- Should you agree to go to a sex party just for the sake of your partner? – No
- Should you discuss attending the party with your partner before going? – Yes
- Can the level of closeness and trust with your partner increase after a sex party? – Yes
- Is it possible to improve mutual understanding with your partner after a sex party? – Yes
- Can you experiment in your sex life if everything is good in the relationship? – Yes
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