Orgies of the ancient Egypt
Sexual life and the orgies of ancient Egypt
Alina Ustyuzhanina
Alternative titles
«Ancient Nights: Which sexual traditions did the ancient Egyptians follow?»
«Goddesses and harlots: how ancient religion relates to orgies of the old ages?»
«Eroticism and mysticism: the intimate life of the ancient Egyptians»
Reading time
3.5 min
Orgies as a phenomenon have accompanied human civilization since the ancient times, causing ambiguous feelings and interpretations. From religious rituals of ancient cultures to modern manifestations, they have always been surrounded by a halo of secrecy, scandal, and controversy. In different historical eras and societies, orgies have played a variety of roles, from sacred rites and expressions of freedom to symbols of decadence and moral decay. Immersing ourselves in the history and culture of orgies allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the evolution of human sexuality, social norms and taboos, and reflect changes in perceptions of the body, pleasure, and spirituality. This article invites to explore the complex and multifaceted world of orgies, unraveling their meaning and impact on Ancient Egyptian society.
Ancient Egypt: the land of pyramids and blowjobs
Intimate life in ancient Egypt was rather free and different from the modern understanding of marriage and sexual morality, and this was reflected in their myths and customs. For example, artificial penises were attached to male mummies and artificial nipples to female mummies to prepare them for sex in the afterlife.
Marriages were arranged at a young age, with women marrying around age 13 and men marrying between 16 and 20. Despite strict penalties for adultery on the part of the wife, attitudes toward virginity and illegitimate children were quite liberal. Divorce was easy and not socially condemned, making it easy for women to remarry after divorce.
Bronze figurine of Min, Ithyphallic god of sex, fertility, and sexual potency
These sexual and marital customs were also reflected in the warlike aspects of the culture. Men were often sent to wars or government work, which encouraged a freer attitude toward marital fidelity. High levels of sexual freedom and the importance of the maternal line in inheritance made women important figures in the society, keeping families stable and strengthening social ties even in the face of constant military conflicts.
During the religious and cultural rituals of ancient Egypt, orgies were highly valued, especially in honor of fertility festivals. Such events were considered boring and disrespectful if they were held without elements of sexual freedom, as these celebrations were primarily a special ritual associated with the service of the gods of nature. One of such deities was Hathor, as she was associated with love, joy and fertility that follows. During the celebrations of this goddess, procession participants would indulge in a variety of carnal pleasures, including orgies, as these were not seen as something vulgar, but rather as a way to honor the goddess and ensure the fertility of the land and people for the upcoming year.
According to the teachings of the priests of ancient Egypt, in the period of spring months, when the god of the afterlife Osiris emerges from his kingdom, he returns life to nature and brings fertility. During this period, according to ancient astronomy, this god enters the Bull constellation. This animal was the symbol of Osiris and his wife Isis, the goddess of the earth, the cow.
These rituals and sexual practices reflected the general culture and worldview of the ancient Egyptians, for whom sexuality was a natural and important part of life. Open displays of sexuality were not only tolerated but also welcomed in the context of religious festivals and rituals aimed at maintaining harmony with nature and the divine world.
Turin erotic papyrus, reconstruction
Often the celebration was accompanied by a procession, over which usually rose a massive figure of the deity, whose phallus was three times larger than his body – a hint of his colossal productive power. According to Herodotus, Egyptian women were highly aroused at the sight of a penis of such size, and often went into ecstasy from such a view and, publicly tearing off their clothes, forced men to collective coitus.
At the time of noisy festivals in honor of the gods, for a certain fee, ostentatious ceremonies of initiation into the world of pleasure and debauchery for neophytes of both sexes were arranged in the vicinity of the temple or in dungeons connected with it. Herodotus tells us that “up to 70,000 pilgrims came annually to the city of Bubastis for the fetes of Isis,” and they always took part in religious ceremonies that turned into open orgies.
“During these ceremonies of religious prostitution,” writes Pierre Dufour, the French author of ‘The History of Prostitution,’ ‘the priests carried a mystical fan in the shape of a female genitalia, and a ’tau,’ a magic key in the shape of a male penis, which opens all, even the most impregnable doors. At festivals dedicated to Isis, following her symbol, the cow, was a group of young girls with large wooden male penises, and ahead of them marched a priestess with a golden urn in her hands, from which protruded a huge phallus. As a result, the excited participants of the ceremony indulged in the wildest, most sophisticated passions without much distinction between the sexes. Young beautiful virgins offered their first sacrifice to the Egyptian deity with the help of her servants, who received money from them to give to Isis”.
Men who perform blowjob on themselves, papyrus, 1070 — 664 B.C.
Such group prostitution was reflected in other festivals – the ancient Romans borrowed the tradition from the Egyptians, naming their processions with phallus priests and priestesses to the temple of fertility “Isiac” (“Isiad”) after the goddess of the same name of their neighbors.
Egypt introduced various elements of sexual technique, many of which have become a part of modern practice. For example, bestiality was considered a sacred act of union with the gods, and in fertility temples women sometimes copulated with sacred goats. One of the important rituals in the temple of Isis was the blowjob. Although this act is called a French invention in Europe, it was a sacred act in ancient Egypt. Sucking the penis and swallowing the semen symbolized the rebirth of life in the penis of the dead god Osiris, referring by these actions to the myth of the conception and birth of another deity, Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. The mouth in this context represents the gateway through which breath and soul pass, and the genitals are the carriers of fertility and material life, their union symbolizing the exchange of properties and the union of spiritual and material beginnings.
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- Bertrand Russell’s ‘’History of Western Philosophy’’
- I.V. Knyazkin “Intimate life of ancient rulers”
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