What Fantasies Come to Life at Sex Parties
Author: Chulyukova Ekaterina Reading Time: 4,5 minutes Pictures What Fantasies Come to Life at Sex Parties Most people fantasize about sex, but many feel ashamed or afraid of their desires. However, fantasies can enhance arousal and lead to more intense orgasms. Acting on them can help you explore your sexuality, refresh, and diversify your intimate […]
Unusual Sexual Traditions of the Ancient Maya-
Authors of the article: Olga Li, Yakov Fayans Reading time: 10 minutes Unusual Sexual Traditions of the Ancient Maya The Maya were an indigenous people who once inhabited the northern part of South America. They developed an efficient agricultural system and had deep knowledge in astronomy. They built monumental temple structures but did not use […]
Turkish harems
Turkish Harems Time required to read the article: 7 minutes What is a Harem? “A harem is not just a place; it’s a state within a state.” © Muhtesem Yüzyil (2011–2014) A harem is the secluded and guarded living quarters of a palace or house where Muslim wives resided. The harem was only accessible to […]
The Origins of Hedonism Manifestation of Hedonism in the Modern
The Origins of Hedonism. Manifestation of Hedonism in the Modern World. Hedonism is a philosophy that asserts the pursuit of pleasure as the primary goal of human life. Accordingly, human activities are aimed at achieving pleasure. “Hedone” in ancient Greek translates to pleasure or enjoyment. The founder of hedonism was the ancient philosopher Aristippus. Image […]